
Update on Icebreakers 2 April 2024

Award winning support group Icebreakers was established 38 years ago in 1986 and is a transitory self-help group where gay and bi men build their own support networks, gain confidence, and moving on to be replaced by the next batch of service users. Since anonymised demographic computer records began in 2006 has helped 1736 service users from 81 countries who have between them attended 12,419 Icebreaker meetings at the LGBT Foundation in Manchester.

Since moving into the Sackville Street site Icebreakers have held 86 meetings, acquired 66 new members, and had 736 attendances at our meetings This gives an average of 8.5 Service Users per meeting.

Icebreakers have been informed by the LGBT Foundation that the group is now too large a grass-roots support group for them to host in their building and have suggested that we could use the building on a “First Come First Served basis”, but without specifying a maximum size, or to run an “appointment-based service”.

Icebreakers finds both suggestions unacceptable compared to “the drop in” arrangement that we previously had with them and would put off service users in need of help.

Icebreakers management are keen the group to continue but now face some very tough decisions because the only viable way we can continue will involve paying for the hire of a room, and charging service users to pay for a service that previously was free. The volunteers have been checking out alternative venues but not found anything suitable yet.

As we face an uncertain future, we seek service user input to find out what they want, and to that end some of the volunteers will be in the Molly House between 7:30 and 9:00 pm on Thursday 18th April for an informal chat with service users to gauge their opinion.

PLEASE NOTE this is only informal and not meant to be a regular meeting.

Please check this website regularly for updates.
